Here are some incredible features we found that make these hotels stand out, translated for you because it’s not just Americans who get to enjoy the future!
1. This hotel provides a free smartphone that you can carry with you and use while you stay in your room.

the_irrelevant_fox / Via reddit.com
2. This hotel rents out a pet fish to keep you company.

notforlabels / Via reddit.com
3. This hotel offers a hotline with bedtime stories.

ToxicSteve13 / Via reddit.com
4. This hotel will give you an extra free night if you can solve a Rubik’s Cube during check-in.

Jefflebowski25 / Via reddit.com
5. This hotel’s phone has a special button for ordering pizza.

doubleplusone / Via reddit.com
6. This hotel has a robot that delivers toilet paper to your door when you need it.

diegocorazon / Via reddit.com
7. This hotel has curtains that overlap in the center to block out any sunlight.

.taharoto / Via reddit.com
8. In the shower of this hotel, the faucet is located on the opposite wall from the showerhead, so you never get wet when turning on the water.

9. …and in the shower of this hotel, the door to the stall is specially designed to prevent getting splashed.

10. This hotel encourages you to take home toiletries.

NoStelthMod / Via reddit.com
11. …and this hotel literally ASKS you to do it!

10585900 / Via reddit.com
12. This hotel has the elevator call button located in the middle of the hall, so the elevator is waiting for you when you get there.

belleri7 / Via reddit.com
13. In this hotel, there is a cord above the bed that turns off all sources of light in the room.

PizzaOrTacos / Via reddit.com
14. This hotel has a TV screen built into the mirror.

I_do_not_get_the_pun / Via reddit.com
15. …and this hotel mirror tells you the weather.

mynamesafad / Via reddit.com
16. …and in this hotel, the mirror is heated so it never fogs up while you’re showering.

mdengler10 / Via reddit.com
17. This hotel has a bottle opener right in the bathroom, in case you want to have a beer right there.

ihearttatertots / Via reddit.com
18. The pillows in this hotel indicate their firmness, so you can choose the perfect one for yourself.

Vat1canCame0s / Via reddit.com
19. …and this hotel offers a whole PILLOW MENU with little “samples” of each.

pickup_thesoap / Via reddit.com
20. This hotel provides a fresh remote for every new guest—perfect for germophobes.

MrTallest / Via reddit.com
21. This hotel lets guests choose a scent for their room.

Alexandre_Dumbass / Via reddit.com
22. This hotel has a special towel for removing makeup.

DasAdam / Via reddit.com
23. And finally, in this hotel, you will find a microscopic note under the bed assuring you that the room was thoroughly cleaned.

awils429 / Via reddit.com
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